Importing CSV from CutList Plus software


I am trying to figure out the correct format for importing from my CutList Plus software to the Rock app so that I can print labels on the P1L. I’ve attached a photo of the exported CSV file; I am not sure what I need to change for the Rock app to use these dimensions for labels. Has anyone successfully done this from any cut list program?

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Hello Randall, we currently dont have a feature to import measurements (only export) but is on our roadmap in the future!


I hope this is a priority my good man! I bought it for the exact same reason and until then it’s collecting dust on my desk. Cheers!

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What is the “upload” feature used for?

This is for making custom calculators or utilities where you can set input fields and descriptions in a spreadsheet first


Any update on the roadmap for importing CSV for printing cut lists? My printer is gathering saw dust waiting for this feature


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Hello, I can confirm it is on the roadmpa but we dont currently have an estimated launch date.

It appears we are the only two who need this functionality, which is sad because it could speed up the shop process.

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Yeah, I’m a bit bummed to be honest. I bought with the understanding that it would soon have this capability but it’s not sounding too promising now. It sure would improve flow in my shop I tell ya! Might start to look for another solution. Will let you know if I find anything.