I’m new to the App and I’m using version 1.1.22. It appears that Conversions isn’t available. I select Objects tab in an area and select the ‘+’, all that is displayed are: folder, Note, Photo, Sketch, Document. I assume this is where Conversions are supposed to be based on the Help documents. Under Utilities, there isn’t any conversion capability either. Looking at the Demo project that comes with the App, it does show example conversions that were created, but I can’t see anyway to create new ones. What am I missing?
Hello, we are shifting some things around (big update coming next week too)!
Conversions are still there - can be accessed on the shortcuts page (if its not there, you can add it by selecting “Customize” in the top right.
Next week, we are releasing a new version with an action button in the center allowing you to make and access most functions of the app in a single click which should help with this.