I bought the M1 a couple of months ago but did not get around to trying to install until recently. I found it did not fit my miter saw, a Rigid model R4221. I read that you had an adapter, so I bought it. Tried that but, it still won’t because of the design of Rigid’s miter fence. There is not enough flat area to mount the M1 clamp. It was suggested in your advertising that the M1 unit would “fit most” if not, buy our adapter. $200 out of pocket and I can’t mount your product. How should I proceed?
Hi Mark, I believe the Rigid Model R4221 fence is too tall for the M1 to attach to (it still can but the wheel doesnt touch the ground). You can see the compatibility chart here - https://support.reekon.tools/hc/en-us/articles/360057192771-Miter-Saw-Manufacturer-Fence-Compatibility-M1-Caliber
The M1 will mount to any flat surface less than 7mm thick so we have sene some use a piece of aluminum mounted to the back of their fence if the adapter fence does not work