Measurement data export from Rock App

Will there be a way to export the project area data to a directory on the phone? Another idea might be to send it via email. Maybe in PDF or plain text format?


Hey Chuck, what data are you looking to export? Right now it can export all measurement data to a CSV file

Thanks, I did not see a way to export a project with all the areas. Did I miss something?

Hey Chuckie, right now it can only be done at the Area level but something we are considering for the project level later on

I tried the export to csv, but my Android brings up the share menu and even though I have the excel ap installed, it does not show up there. I will fiddle with things some more and see if I can get the data somewhere.

Maybe something to do with internal Andriod file system but not sure. Try sharing with a computer to confirm then can see if it is a location saving issue on the phone itself

It is weird. I installed an app called Solid Explorer which is supposed to allow a share to the file system. I have yet to figure things out. Thanks for trying.