Using the P1 to label equipment & materials and track these labels

Looking to use the P1 and T1 to label equipment and materials, keeping track of the data.

Hi Mark, thanks for reaching out - could you describe your integration more and what software and workflows you would be looking to accomplish so I can better direct yoru inquiry? Thanks!

Hi TheRock?,

I work for a small company called BlixtBit Pty Ltd…I know you have probably not heard of it.

We have a number of apps in the market place “Report and Run” on all platforms. We have around 200K active users. You products looks interesting because we are looking to offer ancillary products to our app users.

Report and Run is what it sounds like a simple tool to take images, annotate and detail each image with descriptions and publish a finished report from the field.

The user demographic is building professionals, engineers, architect and builders who require, at times, external devices like tape measurements etc. This is by know means the only demographic group, Maintenance or inspection professionals who require detailed photographic evidence for their reporting.

I have purchased your P1 and T1 devices, but , without putting a to fine a point on it, your devices are a little too specific for my purpose…because we offer an app that is largely generic, our app can be modified by the user to perform a myriad of purposes for the onsite professional…an analogy would an excel spread sheet that can be modified to serve multiple professional functions.

We can use your T1 to input measurements in to our app, it can do it ,but not a clean as I would like. Your printer if scalable to multiple functions e.g , audits, stock take, tool and machine maintenance, security checking…the list goes on. The P1 is without a doubt the big potential for me.

I have asked a lot of you, but then again, what I am asking for I think are natural extensions to your existing product range.


Mark Thompson

CFO BlixtBit Pty Ltd

( an app company in over 170 countries and 13-15 languages, I have lost count)

hey Mark, thanks for the feedback! I will check with the team as our P1L SDK isnt fully released yet but can check on the status of it.

Our T1 SDK is currently being changed based on some Bluetooth changes we are making but should be available later next month!

Hi Derrick, Could you ask the higher ups, if I am not talking to one now, whether integration of your products into another platform is something they would consider.


Mark Thompson

CFO BlixtBit Pty Ltd

( An Australian Company)

Hey Mark, yes we have a public SDK but both are being updated now and should be ready later next month

Derrick, Thanks for that. If you could send me the links to the SDK when your ready. I would love to review them.

I will be in the states from mid July to mid August. Would it be possible to do a walk thru and meet you guys.

