Combined - T1 Shipping Questions

Just got the shipping notice. T1’s are shipping in Canada! Have faith fellow Canucks, it’s happening

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I am in Virginia and have not heard a peep about shipping

Hello, you should reach out to us at as all US orders have been sent out so perhaps there was an address issue

Got mine a couple of day ago and I have to say I’m extremely impressed with it! Can’t wait to use it on a project

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Received my T1 today (in UK). It’s been a long wait but well worth it. Really pleased with it. Really solid and professional feel to it. Easy to use.

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awesome and glad to hear it

3 days left (Europe) and no tracking code yet. I am going on two-week vacation in 2 weeks, so I hope it will be delivered before I leave.

I’ve done my order on May 2022,
Till this moment I didn’t receive any email about shipping date of the T1 Tomahawk Digital

Anyone can guide me through this,?
Rami Halaby

I’ve tried not to comment or complain but it’s now march and I’ve just received an email for your new project ( electronic tagging). I’ve found this to be a bit much.
Do you have a actual date for delivery of the tape to the uk.

Hey Chris, we have already done the vast majority of UK shipping, please send us an email and happy to look into it -

Hi, good to read that most UK customers have received it. Do you have information for French backers?

Hello, French shipping has been ongoing, please reach out to

Firstly would like to apologise for my rather nasty post as my T1 has arrived. ( many thanks for the belt holder).
First impression excellent piece of kit have tried out the functions and set metric as the default all flawlessly.
Would like a 2nd battery but web shop says not available.
Many many apologies as for me this was worth the wait.
Thanks again

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thanks Chris, we will have extra batteries available in all regions soon!

Ok that is brilliant

Ok brilliant, I do apologise for my post please remove.

Just a quick question, my app is not accepting or picking up my measurements.
Rather than post on forum just wanted to know if there are any tutorials for the older generation.

I’m really pleased tho with both of your products I have.
Thanks again

Hey Chris, you can find a setup video here -

Where on earth are my T1 and M1? It’s already the third week after the second week of March and there’s no message that customs clearance is in place. This is South Korea.

The same for Europe. They don’t bother to post an update that there is a delay, again. Anyway, don’t forget to order their P1L! :smiley:

Hello, please reach out to us at As mentioned in the last update, every order that can be sent out has been so remaining orders usually fall into one of the below categories:

  1. There is a customs issue which seem to be focused on Australia, Some Europe countries, and other countries in Asia. These generally take 2-4 weeks to be resolved and sometimes need a reshipment
  2. Address information not provided/not correct
    3.Missing shipping payment or other critical information needed to complete shipment.