Combined - T1 Shipping Questions

I’ve gotten 4 rescheduled delivery notifications,ridiculous.

hello, usually that is an address/UPS issue so we recommend reaching directly out to them as that is not something we have control over

The way the email reads is the item hasn’t been picked up or dropped off to the UPS facility but the label has been created.

send us an email with your order details and happt to look into it -

Just received today :tada::champagne:

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The holster was a nice surprise.

I live in canada the shipping was supposed to be here jan and start delivering havent got any update on it was supposed to be deliver 1 and 2nd week havent got anything on it

They still have 2 days… :smiley: :smiley:

But yes, I would expect a bit more updates and at least a confirmation that they have everything already in their warehouses. And for the europenian orders if the ship is not stuck somewhere near the Suez canal or is still sailing around Africa.

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Canada orders have arrived at the warehouse and currently working on processing and sending out in the coming week!

It looks like that “Deliveries Begin - January 28th (all orders complete and delivered by the second or third week of February)” from the last update is not valid anymore. Based on a comment (indiegogo discussion) from 4 Feb the shipping starts in 2 weeks, which is 4th week of Feb => more than 2 weeks delay.
So it would be nice to give us an option to add the new p1 printer to our orders.

Why hasn’t the Canadian orders ship out yet?

I am not expecting from them to respond to every single question, since most of the questions are the same. BUT if their advertised timeline has been changed, it would be really good to update the schedule. Based on the latest update all European orders should be delivered in the second or third week and I can totally ignore one of their messages in indiegogo discussion, since it is not their official update. Third weeks is ending soon, so they will not make it.
If there is a problem, delay or whatever, just say it and we will understand. But ghosting is never good, especially in the business.

Hello all,

Canada Orders - started shipping, expect to be completed in next 2-3 weeks
Europe Orders - Arrived in country, pending customs and expect delivery to start next week and continue over following 3 weeks
Rest of World - Vessel in route to Hong Kong Warehouse - awaiting updates on delivery timeline

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Has anyone in canada received the tape??

Was supposed to be shipped this week havent seen any updates on it

Nothing on my end yet. Looks like they’re running a bit behind

On the last update they have next week to do so last week they said one to 2 weeks so its been one hope next week

Any updates on canadas shipping?almost at the end of feb and nothing not even a email with any info

Canada orders are currently processing and more than half have been sent out. If you dont hear anything by beginning of next week, please send us an email and we can check

Hey Rock, tx for the update, ur msg posted above 12 days ago said shipping for Canada orders is supposed to be completed within 2-3 weeks. But I’m still waiting for mine, contribution number #2792, I would appreciate it if you guys could take a look into this. Cheers.


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Received today. I will send the message for Reekon to holder my T 1 until march 9
Arrived today and I need to ask a favour to someone pick up on porch . No signature the guy just drop the Knox on my porch . See as lol the action by cameras. I live in Ottawa Canada . Reekon it’s true has a M1 long time ago . Good job Reekon team
Regards ,
Peterson Buffone

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