Last week (on Tuesday to be exact) I received a notice regarding a Major Software update for the T1. This notice specifically mentioned connecting the T1 to any device through Bluetooth. I think that this could be a great feature.
When I first got this email, I went to check my firmware on the Rock app. It told me I was currently updated to the most current version (0.5.13 which I had done awhile ago when it was released). I have been checking the firmware version a few times since last Tuesday.
I have read the post ‘Keyboard Mode - Bluetooth Digital Tape Measure’ which I believe discusses this specific feature as a part of the Beta testing program. So my question is has this update been released yet or is it still in Beta? As the email stated “With the latest software update…” this had led me to believe this update had indeed been released (post Beta). Was this email a little premature for the general release? Thanks.