Jul 30 (1.1.18) - Dashing Elimination, Accuracy Improvement, Bluetooth Keyboard Input

Hello all, happy to be beginning the rollout of the new T1 Tomahawk Firmware (0.6.12) combined with this ROCK App release which includes:

  • Improved Dashing Performance
  • Better Accuracy when moving fast
  • Bluetooth Keyboard Emulation (Connect to any device and emulate a keyboard)

No Update showing up for my T1. How long is this „rollout“ gonna take?

Hi Niko, have you updated your ROCK App version? If so, how long ago was it updated?

Edit: Tried it one more time today and it showed up. Updated perfectly and the faster encoder is very nice.

Hey, thanks for the fast response. I updated the Rock App the day Apple released it. It was updated July the 30th. And I checked for a T1 update at least 3 times over the last days.

Awesome glad to hear it Niko!

Hi. I just updated the last firmware, the side screen has disappeared from frequent flickering. But it still shows up sometimes.

Hi Andrey, the side epaper screen inverting is part of its normal behavior and how EInk technology works - https://support.reekon.tools/hc/en-us/articles/21075469206036-Why-does-the-E-Paper-Screen-Flash-Invert

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I am not seeing the update on my T1 as well. I am running iPhone with the Rock app version 1.1.18 and the latest 0.5.13 firmware on the T1. I have reset the devices and no update available!

Sit and be patient for the roll out?

Usually update appears within 1-2 hours of updating the app but may sometimes take slightly longer

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My App updated a week ago!

Have you tried restarting app and phone?

Hi, sorry to be a bother, My T1 reports last firmware as v5.13, I’m using my iphone 12 pro max and running latest version of the rock app. tried updating but tells me I’m on the latest firmware v 5.13 yet you have newer firmware. not sure what’s happened but it’s registered for beta updates through support, etc. Could you help please?

sorry it’s been a while, cancer battle.


Hi Lew, if you are on 1.1.18 of the app or newer, the new FW should appear within 2 houirs of updating. If it isnt showing up, please try restarting your app and phone

Ok. Updated the app a day or so ago. Connected it after finding the battery dead and after recharging. Restarted app and tape. Same problem


ok, at last it found the update and installed it. so, how do I set it up for bluetooth keyboard mode?



Hello Lew, you can find further details here


Fixed, thanks so much, this now turns my T1 into an accessible tool for once. phew.


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No update ? I update lastest version on Android

Hello, update should appear within 24-48 hours of updating to latest app version. Please try restarting app and phone as well to ensure cache is cleared