Accessibility Features Improvement

Now that I FINALLY have the T1 in my hands, running, I can perform a full diagnostic and test set for the rock app.

My initial feedback: You won’t like this.

My testing is based on accessibility development criteria for screen reader systems installed with modern smart devices. in this section I’m relying purely on iOS / iPad OS latest builds. and testing of the rock jobsite app proves even more disappointing…

Test Status:
When connecting T1, VoiceOVer does not announce connection state.
VoiceOver cannot provide battery status, unable to locate object or definition for information to output.
VoiceOver struggles to navigate throughout most functions including utilities, settings menu, etc and requires voiceover to restart which shouldn’t be the case or required sighted assistance.
When taking a measurement, voiceover will not automatically speak content. am forced to use external reading device such as orcam MyEye Pro or Orcam Read which is not practical.

Rock jobsite app does not meet requirements of full screen reader functionality in any of the environments and is an example of how not to design an app which has to meet Apple’s developer agreement for iOS, which includes Accessibility testing before submission. That’s not an option and I know that because I used to work for Apple and know the assistive technologies system as a former developer behind VoiceOver for MacOS, iOS, etc.


Provide a basic app for data display output, settings to control the T1 and export of data as text, etc. Simply provide a 2 page app (2 viewable pages), where the 1st page is the data display which VoiceOver must recognise by touch or auto data recognition as a live field, it will speak out the data for someone with sight loss, but would also be a solution for anyone either with visual impairment or using the device in conditions where the display of the device can’t be seen. page 2 would be device settings, firmware update, etc. I would also recommend sounds to be used to inform when a measurement is received, saved, error, etc.

Critical feature requirement: keyboard emulation in firmware for any bluetooth based interface. This is no longer a request or just a light footing to possibly consider it for a “future update”. this is now required because using this device for assistive measurement fails to meet requirements and cannot be approved as a digital assistive technology device under the EU Accessibility and Assistive Technologies Development specifications.

Note on firmware updates:
Firmware update isn’t easily accessible, no information is presented or accessible because there are no regions defined for anything to be spoken out via voiceover, etc. the button functions are there but it requires manual interaction to get the button to be spoken because page reading can’t be used.

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Hi Lew, thank you for the feedback and very helpful for us. We undoubtedly have a long roadmap of improvements and enhancements we are working on for the ROCK App and are continuing to develop features to make it a useful companion for construction measuring needs.


cheers for that.

that’s all well and good though, but I invested in this for accessibility and interoperability with assistive tech needs because I couldn’t get a straight answer, not to worry though, you have me to help you solve these issues and I won’t be letting go on that one.
