ROCK App Launching Septmeber 14th

We are thrilled to be launching the ROCK Jobsite App on September 14th on both iOS and Android as the first full solution tool for every worker on the jobsite. While many current construction apps focus on project management or admin tasks, the ROCK App is all about execution. This will be a free app for all features for the time being (for initial users)!

Live measurement sharing, photo annotations, custom utility builder, inspections generator, construction calculators, conversions, QR Code generator, automatic labeling, fractional calculations, and full integration with the REEKON Hardware ecosystem highlight how the ROCK app will quickly become your best friend on the site (and a good reason to ditch your 1980s construction calculator)!

Let us know if there is anything you would like to see demoed in the meantime!

Waiting for app store approval for past few days…coming as soon as we hear back and get approved!

When can we expect the app?

still waiting to be approved, as soon as we are approved will let everyone know! sorry for the delay

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I have heard that i might take up to 2 - 3 weeks to get app accepted🤔

We’re not sure either but will be sure to share the moment it goes live!

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Everything always takes longer…

Seems since 2019 or pre covid this is even more the case. Ah, the good old days… LOL.

Agreed, despite submitting early last week, still waiting on app to be approved, should be very soon now!

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